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4.9 Bank Switching

The WPC platform uses ROMs that are larger than the processor can address. 6809 is limited to 64KB of address space, but the ROM may be as large as 1MB. Some address space is also needed for RAM and I/O registers.

The WPC ASIC uses bank switching to work around this limitation. The uppermost 32KB of the ROM is fixed and can be accessed at all times. The remaining ROM is divided into "banks" or "pages" of 16KB each. Access to these areas requires software support.

When compiling in simulation mode, or on other platforms, bank switching is not an issue. The bank switching APIs become effectively no-ops should you use them. Explicit Bank Switching

Use the pinio_set_bank API to write to the bank switching register. Use one of the page identifiers like COMMON_PAGE or MACHINE_PAGE as the argument. Note that this should only be called while the code is running out of the fixed area, otherwise, the current function becomes inaccesible!

You can also use the page_push and page_pop functions to change the register temporarily. The old value is saved onto the stack so that it can be restored after you have accessed the code/data in the desired bank. Far Calls

The GCC6809 compiler supports function calls across all of the banks without explicit page changing, but only if you declare your functions correctly. Each C file that is compiled must have all of its code and constant data placed into the same bank. You specify which bank via the Makefiles. For example, suppose you add a new file to the common directory, named newfile.c. In common/Makefile, the line:

COMMON_BASIC_OBJS += common/newfile.o

adds this module into the COMMON_OBJS list; all of these objects are part of the COMMON_PAGE bank. In the top-level Makefile, you can see that COMMON_PAGE is mapped to bank 56.

There are a number of predefined sections, like COMMON, EFFECT, TEST, and TEST2. More can be added by modifying the topmost Makefile. Each of these is then mapped to a physical bank of ROM. It is possible for multiple sections to map to the same physical page.

The Makefiles only control the placement of code and data. To make function calls between sections work correctly, you also need to modify the C prototypes.

When the compiler encounters an ordinary prototype, such as:

void foo (void);

then a call to foo() is an ordinary call with no consideration for banking. However,

__attribute__((page ("56")) void foo (void);

says that foo() will be physically placed in page 56, and a far call might be needed. If the calling function is not in page 56, then the compiler will emit some special code to switch the bank, make the call, and restore the bank. This even works when the caller is in a different bank and not in the fixed region. When each file is compiled, it is told which page it is in using the -mfar-code-page option.

If the caller is in the same bank as the callee, GCC knows that a bank switch is not necessary and will emit an ordinary function call.

Because this mechanism is used so often, there are macros to make it easier. The above prototype could be rewritten as:

__common__ void foo (void);

See include/env.h for a list of the macros that can be used. In general, every section has an attribute that can be used like this.

Failure to put the correct tag on the prototype cannot be caught by the compiler, and will likely result in a system crash. If a function should not be called outside of its own file, putting static on it will prevent you from making such a bad call.

Because placement is a somewhat manual procedure, it is possible for a bank to become full. When that happens, code often must be moved or new sections added. This is rare but does happen from time to time. Performance

A far call takes about 80 additional CPU cycles on the 6809. This is less than 0.1 ms, but when the number of far calls is high, this can add up.

The most commonly used functions should go into the kernel page (SYS_PAGE), where they can always be called directly. Uncommon things should always be placed into one of the banked areas since performance is not an issue. This also leaves more room in the fixed area for the important stuff.

It is slightly more efficient to use page_push and page_pop than using a compiled-generated far call.

Any event generated by a callset_invoke turns into a function call in EVENT_PAGE. In the current code, this is the same as MACHINE_PAGE, so an event thrown by code in MACHINE_OBJS is slightly more efficient than if thrown elsewhere (MACHINE2_OBJS for example). It is recommended that shot handlers go into MACHINE_PAGE since they are invoked frequently.