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6.8 Background Refresh

In addition to the display and music effect updates, there are a couple of other things that need to be refreshed periodically. The default states of the lamps, outside of any running effect, sometimes need to change depending on a complex combination of factors.

For example, consider a feature that needs to be disabled temporarily during any multiball. Instead of using the lamp bit to track whether the feature is enabled, we should use a separate bit flag, and then draw the lamp if the flag is set and the feature is not masked by a multiball.

The lamp_update event is generated periodically by the system to give modules a chance to recalculate the states of the lamps. Currently, it is generated about once per 500ms. Code can request a faster update by calling effect_update_request as before.

Likewise, sometimes solenoid-driven devices require a periodic update as well. Ball scoops that raise from the playfield, like the trap door on Funhouse, can either be up or down, and the desired state depends on a number of things. A separate device_update event is thrown for the purpose of updating these. It works identically to the lamp_update function; however, these events are generated more frequently, as they are more important to be right in a timely manner.

Note that device update is disabled during ball search, so that search handlers can complete control of the devices to try to find the missing pinball.